
Why Physiotherapy Is Important

Why Physiotherapy Is Important ?

What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is the treatment and prevention of disease, injury, and disability through movement. It aims to enable people of all ages and physical abilities to have the same functioning level, whether for a specific sporting activity – such as football or gymnastics- or just to maintain an active lifestyle. Physiotherapy is also an essential occupation in the healthcare industry. The primary function of physiotherapists is to provide therapeutic services to people with physical impairments. Physiotherapists diagnose, treat, and prevent various medical problems affecting different body systems.

There are many benefits to speaking with a physiotherapist. They can help you manage your symptoms, set reasonable goals and teach you how to treat your injury or problem. Physiotherapy improves and maintains health, optimizing performance, assisting recovery, preventing injury and disability, and helping individuals age successfully. By working closely with a physiotherapist, you can feel confident that your recovery is progressing as expected, be able to stay informed about what you should expect from the treatment and get feedback on any changes that need to be made.

Without physiotherapy, no one would be able to move around and get through their daily life. Alternatively, even just moving from one place to another. It is crucial as it can allow people with injuries or illnesses to keep moving and get back on track after so many years of limited movement. Our physiotherapists will work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan to address any pain or discomfort you may experience. This comprehensive treatment plan may include manual therapy, IFC, Tens, exercises, acupuncture, dry needling, and ultrasound. Our skilled physiotherapist will use these tools to help get you back to pain-free living!

You can read more about our team of physiotherapists who can help with any ache or pain you may be experiencing in order to get you back on the road to active living.


Staying Active this Fall

Staying Active this Fall

Going back to school and staying fit and healthy in the fall is easier than you think. One of my favourite things about the fall is that you can still get outside and try some new sports and activities while having fun with friends. If you’re looking to take it up a notch, or maybe even start exercising for the first time, here are some simple ways to stay active this fall.

Play a sport! If you’ve never played a sport before, now is the perfect time to start. Whether it’s soccer, football or volleyball, there are plenty of fall sports that can get your heart pumping and your muscles moving. If you want to be on the same team as your friends but aren’t sure which one to pick, try asking around to see who knows how to play. If you’re a little intimidated by the idea of playing sports, check out some local recreational leagues. This is a great way to learn the basics and get comfortable with different sports before diving in headfirst.

Get up from your desk after lunch – take a short walk around the office building or neighborhood park; run an errand on foot instead of hopping in the car; play with your children outdoors after school or before/after work. If you don’t have kids, take the dog for a walk. Go out with friends after work to play sports or board games; go dancing at the local dance studio; join an adult softball league. Get outside and play. It’s the best way to get fit, feel better and enjoy life more.

Add more activity into everyday routines – take stairs rather than elevators; try adding some squats while picking apples in your garden. The goal is to get your heart rate up and move more. The more active you are, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Fall is here and we all need to stay active. The key is finding activities you love, are good at and can do alone or with friends.